< Learning Gardens map


Sherbrooke, Quebec

Size of school

359 students
Grade levels

Pre K -6
Students participating

359 students
Grant received

School Garden

About our Garden

Please describe your garden, is it raised beds, in the ground, do you have a greenhouse?

We have a raised bed garden outside the school as well as an indoor growing unit.

What vegetables/fruit do you grow in your garden? What do you have a difficult time growing in your school garden?

micro greens (inside)
Carrots, beets, beans, strawberries, 3 sisters garden, tomatoes, broccoli, basil, radish, cucumbers, cucmelon

the deer enjoyed the stash and sunflowers...

Why did your school decide to add a school garden?

To provide an outdoor learning and sensory regulation space.

What classes participate in the garden, what subjects are taught in the garden?

Outdoor Education, Cooking and Gardening club, Prekindergarten.

Who manages the garden day to day? Who manages the garden over the Summer break?

The teachers responsible for the cooking and gardening club

What do you do with the harvest from your garden? Do you have a harvest celebration? Do you use it in the cafeteria, or culinary classes? Do you donate some of the produce?

We use it to bake for our breakfast club as well as soups sold for hot lunch. They are eaten as snacks by classes!

Do you have community involvement? Do you have parents and volunteers? Have been able to source other funding to help your garden grow?

We have parent volunteers. We are planning on fundraising to cover our garden costs this year.

What are your future plans for the school garden?

To encourage more teachers to use it in their day to day teaching or special projects.
To increase efficiency.
We would like to build a fence and incorporate the garden area with a K cycle loose parts playground.